SBA 8(a) Sole Source / Set-Aside
The Small Business Administration (SBA) 8(a) certification program is designed to help small, disadvantaged businesses compete for federal contracts. 8(a) certified firms may receive sole-source contracts up to $4.5 million and partner with other business owners to bid on contracts. Because of our 8(a) status, Solvitur Systems can facilitate awards relatively quickly, reducing time spent on RFP development and reviewing contractor responses. Contracting through 8(a) also helps agencies fulfill their commitment to teaming with small businesses.
Contract Details
Primary NAICS: 541511CAGE
Code: 7G659
DUNS: 079746564SBA 8(a)
Case Number: C006eM8(a)
Exit Date: March 14 2027
The 8(a)sole source vehicle provides agencies a simplified and shortened acquisition procedure:
- Reduced decision cycle:the time required to award an 8(a) sole source contract is usually within days.
- Lowered administrative costs: procurement process and time is reduced to a minimum.
- Prices reflecting the best value: agency negotiates with the firm directly to get the best value.
- Credit for promoting small business participation within agency.
- Can initiate a contract with a simple high level statement of work.
The 8(a)sole source vehicle provides agencies a simplified and shortened acquisition procedure:
- The Government program manager or interested party develops a statement of work, prepares a government estimate, and obtains the necessary funding.
- The Government program manager or interested party chooses Solvitur Systems to perform the work and submits a procurement request to the agency contracting officer.
- The agency contracting officer prepares and submits an “Offer Letter” to our SBA Business Development Specialist.
- SBA processes the Offer Letter and returns it to the agency contracting officer who submits the Statement of Work and Request for Proposal or Quotation to Solvitur Systems.
- Solvitur Systems submits the proposal which is evaluated and negotiated (if necessary) by the agency.
- The contract is awarded to Solvitur Systems.
These steps can be accomplished within few days in most cases. It is also worthwhile to mention that Solvitur Systems has a great working relationship with the SBA-assigned Business Development Specialist (BDS) who is willing to help clarify any issue related to 8(a) program and facilitate any contract award.
Section 8(a) of the Small Business Act as amended by Congress, created the 8(a) business development program. This program enables SBA to assist small disadvantaged firmsto develop their businesses. In applying to the program, a firm is rigorously evaluated on its ownership, operations, financial health, and past performance. Once accepted, the firm is required to provide SBA a detailed business plan and annually show continued success as a viable, strong business entity.
Firms that are approved are certified by the SBA for a period of nine years. The SBA assigned Memorandums of Understanding (MOUs) with Federal Agencies allowing them to contract directly with certified 8(a) firms. Participants can receive sole source contracts, up to a ceiling of $4.5 million for goods and services.